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材料 :
急冻中虾 8 只
大比目鱼(去骨) 2 块
蒜末 1汤匙
洋葱 ½ 只
磨菇 8 只
乾牛肝菌 30克
新鲜香菇 6 朵
月桂叶 1片
白酒 2 汤匙
鸡汤 1杯
橄榄油 1 茶匙
鲜奶油 1 汤匙
香菜末 1 茶匙

做法 :
  1. Wash shrimps. Remove heads and shells of shrimps and devein. Keep the tails.
  2. Cut halibut into big pieces. Remove bone. Season with salt and pepper and absorb moisture with paper towel.
  3. Mince onion and garlic. Slice button mushrooms and shred shitake mushrooms. Rinse porcini with little warm water and soak in new warm water for 5 minutes. Take porcini out and shred into fine slices, while keeping the water for stew.
  4. Heat pan, put in shrimp heads. Add white wine and remove shrimp heads when wine evaporated. Add half of chopped onion and garlic and bay leaf into pan with a little salt. Add stock and procini water and bring to boil. After 20 minutes, drain the stock into a bowl.
  5. Heat oil in frying pan, dust halibut pieces with corn flour and fry for 2 minutes. Remove and place halibut on kitchen paper to have the oil absorbed.
  6. Heat oil in pan. Add the remaining chopped onion and garlic and cook until a little soft. Add porcini and fry for 1 minute. Add all other mushrooms and then add stock and bring to boil. Add shrimps with shell into stock and boil for 5 minutes. Season with salt.
  7. Put one piece of halibut at the bottom of each soup plate. Pour shrimps and mushroom and stock over halibut. Garnish with minced parsley on top.