Emergency What's News Special Offer
Grapefruit contains rich vitamin C which is good for accelerate bowel movements. Drinking grapefruit juice can not only cure constipation but also reduce nephrotoxicity, as well as whitening skin. Vitamin C can also accelerate the immunity production and enhance detoxification function of skin. Vitamin P is good for the health and beauty of skin care. Moreover, grapefruit can assist the absorption of iron and calcium that required for human body in maintaining metabolism. Fruit acid of grapefruit can accelerate the process of food to pass through the intestine. Lycopene and limonene can prevent cancer.
Grapefruit can strength or eliminate the effect of drugs. Meanwhile, some deadly side effects can be caused by increased drugs concentration and extended residence time in human body under the effect of grapefruit. Therefore, consumers should never eat grapefruit and drugs together. Instead, they should be separated by more than 24 hours.
Consumer can softly tap grapefruit. Grapefruit is mature and fresh if it is full and solid; It would be juicy if it is heavy. A little bit of changing colour and cracks will not affect the value of nutrition and taste. However, it is not recommended to buy grapefruits if its skin colour is dull or light.   
Cooking methods:
Drink, dessert, salad.