Emergency What's News Special Offer
Cantaloupes are regarded as cool nature fruit, which are good for quenching hunger, “replenishing qi” (eliminating lung heat and cough) and accelerating bowel movement. Potassium in cantaloupes protects our body by maintaining normal heartbeat and blood pressure, which can prevent coronary heart disease and spasm. Moreover, cantaloupes are rich in antioxidants which against sun damage and avoid the appearance of skin melanin. Water soluble vitamins C and B can be replenished by eating a half of cantaloupe in order to maintain normal metabolism. 
As cantaloupes are regarded as cool nature, eating too many cantaloupes may cause diarrhea. Diabetes patients should not eat too many cantaloupes due to the high sugar level. Patients who are regarded as jaundice, cold cough, postpartum and after illness should also avoid eating too many cantaloupes. 
The deeper the scars on cantaloupe skin means the sweeter the cantaloupe. Cantaloupe taste sweeter and contain better taste if its scars are splitted; It tastes better if there are more scars. If melon inside is in green colour, the taste will be crisp; If it is in yellow, the taste will be sticky, soft and juicy. Cantaloupe in solid but a bit soft feeling means median maturity. 
Cooking methods: 
Dessert, drink, made for cold salad.
Home dishes: 
Cantaloupe mousse, Hami melon and lemon juice, Chilled shrimps with hamimelon, cantaloupe and blueberry in mint salad.