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Watermelon contains citrulline, glutamic acid, alanine and arginine which is moisturizing for the skin of the face and sunscreen whitening. Watermelon contains sufficient water which can not only eliminate edema by diuretic and salt transpiration but also accelerate bowel movements by eliminating bile pigment. Moreover, watermelon can eliminate fatigue by replenishing potassium that is usually losses quickly in the summer. Skin of watermelon and its juice can even eliminate wrinkle by enhancing the elasticity of human skin.
Eating watermelon immediately after having a meal is deprecated because the gastric juice will be diluted by the bulk of water of watermelon, which may affect digestion and absorb. However, eating too many watermelons before you have a full stomach is also not recommended, because nutrition absorbed in the meal will be eliminated by the occupied stomach. Moreover, watermelon is regarded as cold nature, which should not be consumed excessively. Otherwise, diarrhea may be caused, while poor appetite, indigestion and decreased immunity may also happen due to the harmful effect to spleen and stomach.
Watermelon with a small cycle in the bottom is believed to have thinner skin. Watermelon that is in bright green colour with neat lines and tightly rolled up tied is recommended because it usually tastes sweeter.
Cooking methods:
Make into juice, mixed in cold salad, cooked.
Water melon juice, cold salad with watermelon skin, mushroom chicken udon with watermelon skin.