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Since starting the fight against COVID-19, our lifestyle has changed one after another. Much of our face-to-face contact has been minimised and changed to "online communication". Even "online shopping" has become more common, possibly even vital in this extraordinary period.
Nowadays, there are various online stores, most notably Amazon, HKTV mall, iherb, Strawberrynet, Taobao, and more. However, when we shop on these online platforms, there are a few things we should pay attention to so that we can buy items of better quality and avoid falling into the online shopping trap?
The following four aspects are what we should pay attention to when online shopping.
Search products / view related products
Generally, when searching for a favourite item on the online shopping platform, you can directly search for the item's keyword. Alternatively, you can filter and search from different categories on the platform, such as commodity classification, price classification, evaluation classification. When you browse a commodity, the shopping platform will usually recommend other related products that consumers may like. This allows for a comparison of your product's choices to allow for possible discounts!
Product ratings / Reviews
Online shopping is different from shopping in actual stores where you can directly observe or touch the goods to determine the products' quality. Therefore, consumers' feedback and comments on the products become a critical indicator for online buyers to consider whether or not to purchase a good. If the good's overall score is high, and the general feedback from buyers is positive, the quality of the product is widely recognised as excellent, and thus you will have more confidence in quality assurance.
Payment methods
When you have selected a product you desire and have arrived at the payment page, the general shopping platform offers several payment methods, such as credit card, payment PPS, PayPal, Alipay, and so on. To select a particular payment method, take note of any additional fees. They can get expensive!
Delivery services and tracking logistics
As for the delivery of goods, most online shops require consumers to reach the specified amount of consumption before receiving free shipping services. Otherwise, they will have to pay the freight cost. If door-to-door delivery is required, there may be a door-to-door surcharge. Therefore, unless the selected item has reached the free shipping service requirements, you have to account for the price of the good and the included shipping costs to see if it is within budget.
Upon completing the order and payment steps, you can log into the platform's account at any time to track the real-time status of the order, so you know exactly when your product has arrived.
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(The list above is arranged in alphabetical or stroke order).
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