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Leaf of Chinese Spinach contains calcium that can be easily absorbed by human body, it can effectively accelerate the growth of bones and teeth of children. Moreover, Chinese Spinach also contains rich iron and vitamin K which help to maintain normal myocardial activity, accelerate coagulation and hematopoiesis. Therefore, Chinese Spinach is recommended for anemia patient, women and the elderly. 
Chinese Spinach should not be cooked with trionychidae, otherwise it may cause food toxicity. Adult should not eat Chinese Spinach exceeding 50 grams in a meal, especially for people with sensitive skin, otherwise it may cause dermatitis. Excessively eating Chinese Spinach may cause diarrhea to people who are in deficiency of the stomach and cause abortion to women in early stage of pregnancy. 
Chinese Spinach with fresh green leaf, without spot and flowers is recommended to be purchased. Especially for the spinach with thick and flat leaf and soft texture.
Cooking methods: 
Fried, make into soup, boiled in a gruel, cooked with rice.