Once retired, you can take a real break and enjoy life. The life ahead of you is like a long holiday, during which you can visit places you have wanted to go or do things which you always wanted to do…..
But after a while, it may suddenly dawn on you that this may not be the kind of life you are going to lead in your remaining years. You may start asking yourself if that is how you are going to treat the wealth of knowledge and experience you have accumulated over the many years of your work practice. In this page we will show you the various options of how you can use your knowledge in a meaningful manner even after retirement and continue to make contributions to society.
Part-time jobs are not a bad choice at all. It is because one can choose to work at a time and place of his choice and for various organizations. One may even take up work of a completely different nature which may turn out to be quite a pleasant surprise to him or enable him to discover potentials that he is never aware of while earning an extra income.
Now there are job placement agencies which provides placement service for retired administrative and professional personnel. These agencies introduce retirees to major private and public organisations which look for short-term or interim consultants or managers, or even to public appointments. Besides, there are also job matching organizations operated by social enterprises and they help retirees in finding full-time or part-time jobs. These organizations provide a wide platform for social enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, start-up entrepreneurs and charitable organizations to, despite their limited resources, engage the service of professionals with rich experience on a contract or part-time basis. Job seekers can also visit
www.talent.gov.hk to search for available jobs in the market. The information portal, established by the Human Resources Planning Commission of the HKSAR Government, provides consolidated manpower information to facilitate the making of informed choices in respect of career, learning and development pathways.
It remains, of course, that voluntary work is another way in which people with the relevant expertise can help others. We welcome all non-profit-making organizations which need to recruit volunteers from time to time to introduce their services on our dedicated page on
Voluntary Service. We also welcome any person who engages in voluntary work to share his or her experience in the
Social Forum. Their experience will help young people become more equipped in facing problems in the job market and in handling management problems.
Different people have different needs. Being able to continue to contribute to society, whether as part-time workers or as volunteers, we are finding a positive way to prepare ourselves for the days ahead. This is what we call a win-win situation.
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