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Chinese and Western snacks
蜜瓜牛油果蝦肉沙律 牛油果西柚沙律 哈密瓜藍莓薄荷沙律(Chinese only)
Potato salad Sweet potato salad 林柿餅(Chinese only)
涼拌蓮藕(Chinese only) 涼拌蝦與哈密瓜(Chinese only) 涼拌佛手瓜(Chinese only)
涼拌西瓜皮(Chinese only)
Simple dish
Scrambled eggs with tomatoes Steamed eggplant with garlic Simmered Pumpkins (Japanese)
Steamed pumpkin with garlic Stir fried celery with chicken fillet Stir fried celery with cashew nuts and scallops
Spinach frittata Spinach with Barbary wolfberry 蘿蔔絲餅(Chinese only)
Pork roll with asparagus Stir fried asparagus with pine nuts Poached choy sum 
Stir fried Indian lettuce with garlic Stir fried Indian lettuce Sautéed Indian lettuce with dried catfish in black bean
Chilled Indian lettuce with sesame paste Stir fried broccoli with scallops 蒜蓉豆苗(Chinese only)
Pea sprout in high broth with garlic Stir fried chayote Stir fried chayote with shredded pork
Stir fried lotus root Stir fried water spinach with fermented bean curd Stir fried water spinach and squid in shrimp paste sauce
Stir fried Chinese Cabbage with bean curd sticks Stir fried long beans Stir fried long beans with preserved black olive
Baked Salmon Pan-fried Sole fillets (served with baked vegetables) Stir fried amaranth with garlic
Stir fried kale with ginger sauce Stir fried pork rib with pineapple and green pepper Roasted chicken wings with garlic
Amaranth in chicken broth
Rice/Soup noodles
Fried rice with salmon 莧菜飯(Chinese only) 西瓜皮冬菇雞肉烏冬(Chinese only)
炸香蕉(Chinese only) 蜜瓜沙冰 (Chinese only) 冰糖雪梨 (Chinese only)
提子冰沙 (Chinese only) Mango Pudding Strawberry Pudding
Cinnamon apple pie 林柿糊蹋(Chinese only)