Emergency What's News Special Offer

When going to the market, buy the room temperature items before the frozen items so that the latter would not be left in room temperature for a long period which may cause them to turn bad.  Raw items and cooked food should be put in separate bags to avoid contamination.
When arriving home, these items should be stored immediately to ensure safety and avoid deterioration.  Adopt the first-in-first-out concept, food bought some time ago and which will soon expire should be consumed first as prolonged storage might cause drop in quality.
Do not put too many items in the refrigerator as this would obstruct cool air circulation and create bacteria easily.  Raw items and cooked food must be separated, with the former being put at the lower shelf of the refrigerator and the latter at the higher shelf.  Fruits and vegetables should be put in the fruits or vegetables grid, and frozen items should be kept in the freezer compartment.
Make sure your hands are clean before handling the food.  If there is wound or cut, put on water-resistant tape or gloves.  Kitchen counter, utensils and dishes must be clean and hygienic.  Two sets of cutting boards and knives should be used, one for raw items and one for cooked food.

Vegetables and Fruits 
Fresh Meat and Seafood, Frozen Food, Dry Goods and Dry Seafood, Leftover Food 
Cooking Oil

Please visit the following websites and database for information on commonly used ingredients (including seasonal supply, purchase, cooking skill and storage etc.)

Hong Kong SME Common Food Specifications Database (only Chinese version)
(Hong Kong Restaurant Management Association)

Five Keys on Food Safety (only Chinese version)
(Centre for Food Safety)

Shopping Guide (Consumer Council)