Hong Kong has become an ageing society, with the percentage of elderly persons projected to increase from the existing 14% to 28% in 2039. As such, it is important to ensure that the older generation could live comfortably at home in their later years. Ageing in Place, being recognized as the best later lifestyle both physically and mentally, allow the elderly to enjoy a longer health span while relieving the long-term financial burden on the community as well as on the younger generation.
However, given the circumstances of individual families and the decline of the physical conditions of elderly persons, carers of elders might find it difficult to look after them at home and thus need to consider residential homes for providing them with personal or nursing care on a short-term or long-term basis.
This page provides carers and “green age” persons who need to take care of their aged parents with detailed information on the home care services offered by the community, as well as services available in Residential Homes, admission to such homes and things to consider.
Aging in Place
Older people should have their own circles of friends and take part in social activities when they can move around independently with no need for residential care. Elderly Centre Services, which are available in all districts to provide different levels of support for the elderly and their carers, help the elders to build up mutual support and social networks while offering appropriate services to them, in the hope that they could live well in the community.
Besides, Support Services for Ageing in Place such as outpatient escort, household cleaning, meal delivery, personal care, etc. are available to elders who need thorough care at home. While looking into the details of such services at our portal, carers may in their respective districts approach District Elderly Community Centres, Neighbourhood Elderly Centres, Social Welfare Department and Subvented Organizations for enquiries and assistance. Day Care Service and Respite Service may be considered, when necessary, in order to reduce the Stress faced by carers looking after elders at home. This page also showcases a selection of Specialized Products for the elderly with information on the usage and retail outlets of such products.
Residential Care Homes for the Elderly
Before opting for residential care, it is advisable to know exactly the conditions of the elderly persons concerned, for example, whether they have self-care abilities, or need greater care and support in daily life, or simply want to make more friends and enjoy group living in the community. In this respect, anyone who has queries or enquiries may approach District Elderly Community Centres, Neighbourhood Elderly Centres or Integrated Family Service Centres/Integrated Service Centres in localities, which can arrange relevant assessments if required.
Under the Social Welfare Department’s Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services, the Minimum Data Set-Home Care Assessment would be carried out to ascertain the care needs of elders. A total of five Standardised Care Need Assessment Management Offices (Elderly Services) have been set up in the territory. The assessment can also be conducted at the various Elderly Centres.
If assessment results indicate a proven need for residential care, it would be necessary for carers to consider How to select a suitable Residential Care Home for the Elderly. The responsible/referring worker would draw up a care plan for the elder and assist the elder in applying for suitable service(s).
Elders assessed to have care needs (i.e. impairment at moderate level or above) may apply for appropriate subsidised long term care services. A Residential Care Home for the Elderly may be classified as a “care and attention home”, an “aged home” or a “self-care hostel”. Based on this classification, there are Nursing Homes, Care and Attention Homes for the Elderly, Homes for the Aged and Hostels for the Elderly in Hong Kong providing different levels of care for older people. At present, the Central Waiting List for subsidized places is only for Care and Attention Homes and Nursing Homes. Private homes for the elderly may be considered if other forms of residential care service are needed. There are over 700 residential care homes throughout the territory including private and subsidized homes.
Where elderly persons have been admitted to residential care homes, their carers should try to help them Adapt to Residential Care so that they would be happy and comfortable with institutional living.
Carers may also wish to know more about the Community Care Service Voucher Scheme for the Elderly launched by the Hong Kong Government, which can be considered some kind of financial assistance to eligible elderly.
This page provides a one-stop link to a wealth of information available from various social welfare organizations to facilitate search by carers for the services and support they need. You may Contact Us if necessary.