A retired person like you would surely enjoy the relaxing moments when you no longer need to get up early and get things done in a hurry. As time goes by, however, you will find that your social circle is shrinking. Sometimes you cannot even get along well with your own family, let alone making friends with strangers. It is therefore essential to keep yourself happy and comfortable by expanding your
Social Circle and maintaining good
Relationships. You may wish to know how to play the role of a
Carer for your ageing parents, or be of help to your busy children so that they would appreciate the
Value of having Elders in their Family.
This page offers ways which you may
Find your old school friends and to
Meet new friends. We also provide tips on Keeping a pet for retired persons to take into consideration before they deciding to own a pet.
If you are a “green age” person taking care of your parents, you may refer to
Tips for Carers to learn how to look after your parents who always love you most. At the same time, you should respect the
Wishes of your ageing parents and accompany them to live well in their twilight years.