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Scallion contains vitamins and mineral including protein and carbohydrate which can effectively eliminate sputum. Scallion can stimulate sweat glands to assist sweating and eliminate heat, accelerate digestion and absorb, enhance spleen and increase appetite. Scallion contains allicin which can increase immunity and resist against bacteria, especially to the shigella and skin fungus. Fruit acid in scallion has the function of resist cancer and prevent the growth of cancer cell. Scallion is hypolipidemic, hypotensive and hypoglycemic.
Patients who are in intestinal disease should not eat too many scallions. Sweaty people in weak nature should also avoid eating too many scallions. Side effects of eating scallions excessively include causing damages to vision, therefore people in poor vision should not eat scallions excessively. Scallion and honey should not be eaten at the same time, because the enzyme in honey will produce the chemical effect with the ingredient in scallion, which may cause diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort.
Scallion in white colour, with long size, soft texture, more wax powder on the leaf, a sharp leaf in the green colour and mucus on the onion wall of scallion is recommended to be purchased.
Cooking methods:
Make into seasonings, fried.
Sauteed beef with King trumpet mushrooms, Stir fried dried fish with scallions, Sole fillet with ginger and scallions, Chilled Chinese cucumber with coriander.