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Potato contains rich potassium and vitamin C, which can effectively reduce the cholesterol level in blood, and thus can increase the elasticity of blood and prevent arteriosclerosis and hypertension. Cellulose contained in potato is tender that nourishing invigorate the spleen and tune stomach tone, it can also accelerate the digestion function of spleen and stomach and cure skin eczema, stomach ulcer, and cough in hot nature. Calorie contained in potato is relatively lower. The calorie of potato is the lowest compared with other food, such as rice, rice flour and white bread. In addition, fat is not contained in potato while the satiety is triple against white bread.
When the surface of potato turns into green colour or already germinated, it means this potato will produce the bulk of poison named solanum or sugar alkaloid, especially on the bud or green-coloured place. If you feel your tongue hemp when eating potato, that means you are already poisoning. In general slight poisoning cases, patients may have heartburn feeling, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. In serious cases, patients may suffer from coma or spasm.
Potatoes with yellow colour and smooth surface, lighter bud, in fat or average size are in good condition. Potatoes that turned into green colour or already germinated should not be purchased.
Cooking methods:
Bake, cook, boil, boil in a soup.
Mashed potato, Potato salad, Potato and pumpkin soup, baked potato, Braised beef with potatoes.